Friday 9 October 2009

Creating the Ear and the Lips

Creating the ear was a daunting task for modeling because of all the bumps, creases and odd angles. To start with I loaded up my portrait image in Photoshop and drew in blue and red lines to get an idea of how I would model the ear within 3ds Max.

In 3ds Max I used the line tool and started to trace the portrait background image. This part is very similar to the method used to create the face at the beginning.

I built up the quads and then turned them into an editable poly and attached all the quads together to create the surface.

Like the surface of the face earlier, I began sculpting the ear by pulling out the verticies and matching them to the background portrait image. Starting with the top outer parts of the ear and working my way to the inner ear parts.
To create a more life like inner ear section I used the polygon edge selection to pick the edges around the inner ear and used 'chamfer' from under the edit edge panel. This gives all the edges I selected an extra edge so I can manipulate these edges without effecting the original polygons.
Under polygon mode I selected the polygons that make up the inner ear and under the edit polygon panel I selected 'inset'. I could then use the move tool to pull these polygons back further into the head.

The rear side of the ear also needs to be modeled and attached to the side of the head. To do this I selected one of the edges from around the ear and used 'loop' under the selection panel on the right, this then selects each edge next to it until it comes full circle back to where it started. Which saves time individually selecting all the edges I wanted. I then used the move tool with shift held down, to create new polygons from the selections. From there I used the scale tool and pulled inwards to scale down the polygons and shift moved again to create more polygons to scale again.
By doing this multiple times I could then, in vertex selection mode, move the points so the ear had a back and was attached to the side of the head.

I spent a while tweaking the ear to look right. This was a difficult stage of modeling as the ear is a very complicated organic object. I wasn't completely satisfied with the ear lope area, however with the 'turbo smooth' modifier applied, the ear lope area came out much better than expected.

The next step was giving the face a pair of lips.
My first attempt at making the lips didn't really work as I had hoped. The lips looked more like a crease in the face, giving the impression of very thin,stern lips, which I felt didn't represent me and didn't look that great either.
I started by selecting the edges that are around the lips and using the shift and drag technique I pulled out several new polygons and did this a couple times to get a basic shape. Then using vertex selection mode I positioned the points to create the top and bottom lips.

The problem with the lips was that the top lip polygons and the bottom lip polygons were attached in the middle, which was giving the crease effect as you can see below in the rendered view.

I decided to delete the lips and start again to correct it. I did the same method as before but instead of joining the top and bottom lip polygons together I pulled them inside and left them unconnected. I also brought the bottom lip under the top lip. When the turbo smooth was applied the lips looked much better, with identifiable top and bottom lips, and a gap in the centre. I thought this would help later on as well for animating the lips.

The lips now look much better and the face looks happier. I would of preferred a more realistic lip area but I wasn't able to get them completely how I wanted. However with practice in future this is an area id like to improve.
Below is the updated version of the lips.

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